Duration: 8 minutes
for violin, cello, harp, percussion, double bass
Ying Zhang, violin
Andy Smith, cello
Emily Montoya Barnes, harp
Tim Jones, Luc Brust and Gabriela Ordoñez Villalobos, percussion
Geoff Neuman, double bass
Recording and mixing by Ron George, UNLV Recording Studio
Mastering by Gil Kaupp
Photo by Mark Maryanovich
Valley of Fire
Recording made possible by a Nevada Arts Council Jackpot Grant
It is also on YouTube:
Cerulealina is an imaginary world glowing with various shades of blue light. I chose this instrumentation because I felt it best captured the essence of this dreamy place, inspired by my favorite color, cerulean blue. Throughout the composition, the instruments intertwine and communicate with each other, creating a beautiful, sparkly and evocative landscape filled with energy. Each player has their own feature/solo throughout, which is influenced by my interests in writing pieces that feature jazz instrumentalists.