My favorite animated short film 🎞️was created in 1919 by Lotte Reiniger titled “Das Ornament des verliebten Herzens” (The Ornament of the Lovestruck Heart❤️). Ever since I was introduced to it at Eastman back in 2008 for a composition project at the time, I envisioned writing a new piece for it in the future – a song with original lyrics that was inspired by dreams and how we experience love. “Lulling Charities” is one of the first songs I have completed thus far for my new video concept album project. It is also the first piece of mine that utilizes my antique pump organ – harmonium – and toy piano. This project is really special to me because I fell in love with this animation and am really excited to share it! 😍🎵
Lulling Charities (2017)
Music and Lyrics by Jennifer Bellor
Film “Das Ornament des verliebten Herzens” (1919) by Lotte Reiniger
Voice, Harmonium, toy piano by Jennifer Bellor
Acoustic guitar by Phil Joy
Mixing and Editing by Phil Joy
Mastering by Gil Kaupp
Film “Das Ornament des verliebten Herzens” (1919) by Lotte Reiniger
film from the George Eastman House
Here is the audio on Soundcloud: