This We Have Now (2020) – percussion quartet

This We Have Now (2020)

percussion quartet

  • Percussion 1: *MalletKAT
  • Percussion 2: Glockenspiel, Crotales, Xylophone, Drum set, Wind Chimes
  • Percussion 3: Vibraphone, Suspended Cymbal
  • Percussion 4: Marimba, Suspended Cymbal

Duration: 9:30

Click HERE to view the score.

MIDI realization

This We Have Now was commissioned by Clocks in Motion as a part of the Clock Shop Composer Residency, and was premiered at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas on the Nextet series March 2020. The title is from a quote by Rumi:

“This We Have Now is not imagination. This is not grief or joy. Not a judging state, or an elation, or sadness. Those comes and go. This is the presence that doesn’t.” – Rumi

This We Have Now, featuring the electronic MalletKAT, will be featured on their new album and released by Aerocade Music Fall 2021. 

Amethyst Sunset for 2 pianos and percussion – updated score and parts!

Amethyst Sunset for 2 pianos and percussion (2 players)

Duration: 9:00

Click HERE to view PDF of the score.

PDF Score and parts: $15

Parts: All individual parts and extra part for two pianos if pianists wants to read that score versus off of individual parts

You will be e-mailed an attachment with sheet music within 24 hours of your purchase. Sheet music can be printed from any computer.

Amethyst Sunset (2019) was commissioned by pianists Olga Shupyatskaya and Futaba Niekawa, and premiered at the Eastman School of Music July 23, 2019 also featuring percussionists Hannah Weaver and Kyle Peters. It was recorded for Bellor’s second album “Reflections at Dusk” that was released November 15, 201 by Innova Recordings. The piece was inspired by this photo taken of the Whitney Mesa Trail at sunset.

Recording Sessions for new album feat. Clocks in Motion percussion quartet

New album in the works! Clocks in Motion percussion quartet and I were at the University of Missouri to record all of the music I wrote for them as their Clocks Shop composer. Aerocade Music, under the direction of Meerenai Shim, will be releasing the album in November! Here are some photos from the sessions:

In the studio – recording “This We Have Now”
rehearsing “Oneira”

Rehearsing “Pendulum Surround”
Recording the MalletKAT for “This We Have Now”

Lunch break!

Celebrating after a productive three days of recording sessions!